

Ti War Dreth

The House on the Strand

Web: www.facebook.com/groups/tywardreathcommunity

Tywardreath Parish Council


This pleasant little village sits midway between Fowey and St. Austell in a sheltered spot near the beach of Par Sands. It also sits on the Saints' Way trail. The population at the 2011 census was 3,192.

The settlement grew out of a Benedictine priory established at around the time of the Norman conquest in 1092, it was eventually dismantled in 1539.

St. Andrew's church was first dedicated in 1343 but was extensively re-built in 1880. It houses a peal of six bells. Memorials include those to the Harris family, active in the Civil War, and Philip Rashleigh, of Menabilly, the famous mineralogist and MP for Fowey, is buried here. The Weselyan Methodists have a large stone Chapel in Well Street built in 1828.

Many of the terraced cottages were built in the 19th century when Joseph Treffry's rich Fowey Consols copper mine was working. The Butter Market in Church Street built from soft coloured stone is of 1860 and was restored in 1977-8 by the Cornwall Buildings Preservation Trust.

The sea used to reach almost to where they built the Priory at Tywardreath, through the marshy land to Treesmill, and up the Polmear valley. Until the end of the 18th century the bay and harbour must have been wonderfully busy place, with fishing boats and trading vessels. The harbour which once had fifty or sixty feet of water at high tide gradually silted up and became a drying waste of sand and shingle. In 1773 the tide still reached St. Blazey church, and even up to the year 1800 high water reached one mile north of Par.

The village made its claim to fame with the author Daphne du Maurier in her novel 'The House on the Strand', she lived in a house called Kilmarth, which is one mile to the south.

Outside the village on the road up to Castle Dore is Trenython Manor built in 1872 by an Italian architect commissioned by the famous General Garibaldi. It became the bishop's palace for the Diocese of Truro and lasted in this role for fifteen years. For half of the 20th century it was a railway convalescent home. Today Trenython Manor is a country house hotel.

The ancient hillfort of Castle Dore which was active again during the Civil War is also just east of the village.

Notable Residents

Daphne du Maurier (1907-1989), The author lived in nearby Menabilly and Kilmarth.

John Endean (1844–1925), made his money in gold mining in three countries. He settled in Auckland, New Zealand, where he was a hotel proprietor.

Thomas Hugh Evelyn Goldie, DFC and Bar (1919-2010), was a British cricketer, pilot, and theatre director].

John Gott (1830-1906), Bishop of Truro, lived at Trenython Manor.

Mike Kerris BEM (1934-2024), The famous artist lives in the village.

John Lobb (1829–1895) was an English shoemaker and the founder of the company John Lobb Bootmaker. He founded his first successful company making boots for gold diggers in Australia.

Dick Strawbridge (1959-), the TV presenter and ecologist lived in the village for about ten years.


Tywardreath Village Fete - Early August.

Art Galleries

Art Galleries in Tywardreath


Pubs in Tywardreath.

Fowey       St. Austell       St. Blazey       Castle Dore       Par       Golant

Polkerris       Trenython Manor
