St. Breock Gallery

St. Breock Gallery

St. Breock, Near Wadebridge, PL27 7JS
Tel: (01208) 812543

Cornish art-work

Art and craft centre with 19th and 20th century oils and watercolours, antique and reproduction furniture as well as local crafts and objets d'art.

St. Breock Gallery was established over 25 years ago and is Cornwall's centre for fine reproduction furniture. The Gallery is owned by Richard Haslam-Hopwood who is an acknowledged expert on reproduction furniture.

In the 1970's Richard had a Gallery just off London's Bond Street, called "Tomorrow's Antiques". His traditionally made furniture received universal praise from many of the major household magazines.

Richard has spoken on radio programmes and appeared on BBC Television Pebble Mill. The Central Office of Information made a film of his furniture which was shown on English, Spanish and Arabic speaking T.V. networks around the world, reaching an estimated audience of over 350 million.

In the early 1970's he became aware of the ever increasing annual export figures for antique furniture - then some £35 million. Over the past 10 years this figure has risen to a staggering total of £4 billion - an annual rate of over £400 million.

Good antiques have now become a rarity and Richard spends much of his time seeking out committed craftsman to make what he calls "Tomorrow's Antiques". Time is spent with each one to ensure that the methods employed and materials used are of the highest standard; his maxim being "Its' not not what you can see that matters, but more a question of what you cannot".

With the ever increasing shortage of antique furniture, antique dealers are having to supplement their dwindling stocks by selling reproduction furniture. There are now many workshops making antique copies so that the public have to be more wary of the unscrupulous selling copies as the real thing.

Richard fervently believes that good reproduction furniture is an appreciating asset whose value will keep pace with the increasing value of genuine antiques. Reproduction furniture is also made to withstand the effects of modern day living - central heating and air conditioning having ravaged many of our best antiques.

His passionate belief in British craftsmanship is reflected in the comment made in 1974 by Peter Thorton, the then Keeper of furniture at the Victoria and Albert Museum, who said; "I know that it is hearsay to say this but top grade reproduction furniture ought to be just as acceptable as the genuine article. It should be a question of quality and not commercial value. I hope that this attitude will come to be accepted".

In addition to the beautiful furniture the Gallery also deals in watercolours from the 19th century to the current date, holding an annual exhibition in the summer months. A selection of local crafts is also always available.


Less than a mile south-west of Wadebridge.

Now Closed

Chase Art Gallery       Wadebridge       Cornish Art Galleries