Carminowe Valley Garden

Carminowe Valley Garden

Mazey Cottage, Tangies, Helston, TR12 7PU
Tel: (01326) 565868

Delightful garden tucked away in a valley

Carminowe Valley Garden is nestled on the side of Carminowe Valley south of Helston in deep oak woodland. Marion and John Stanley have created a diverse garden out of a mown arboretum since 2007.

The Carminowe River dissects the 3.5 acre site as it tumbles over weirs and under bridges. A natural woodland walk can be taken through hazel, holly, oak and ash. A large pond, fern hollow and rhododendron walk leads through part of the wooded area which opens onto the rest of the cultivated garden.

Creating a garden from this south-facing valley side a mile from the sea, aiming to keep the naturalistic feel, Marion and John have not let the grass grow under their feet and apart from a slight head start of inheriting a number of trees which provide height, interest and an air of maturity to this space, everything here has been developed by the couple. There are strikingly designed formal areas including an enclosed cottage garden, while the wild-flower meadow, shrubberies and kitchen garden create contrasting vistas. Home made teas can be taken in the gardens. Dogs permitted, but on leads, please.


About two miles south of Helston just off the A3083.

Opening Times

1.00pm - 5.00pm
Thursday and Friday
1st May to 1st September

Admission Charged

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