


Tiny historical hamlet


Tintagel Parish Council


Bossiney lies between Tintagel and Boscastle on the B3263 road, it is a small hamlet of great historical interest. It was once the parliamentary seat of Sir Francis Drake who in 1584 gave his election speech from Bossiney Mound. It has a little known quality in Bossiney Cove, a stretch of sands at low tide with the outstandingly beautiful coastline formation of Elephant Rock and Willapark Head.

Bossiney Castle is probably a late 11th century earth and timber ringwork fortress, founded by Robert, count of Mortain, a half-brother of William the Conqueror. With no identifiable bailey and an eastern entrance, the large sub-circular ringwork, defends a slightly raised triangular-shaped area. The north side of the rampart is extremely strong but on the east and south sides, the encasing wide ditch has been affected by landscaped gardening.

The "Old Borough House" was once the home of the author - J. B. Priestley and Sir Francis Drake, also Rocky Valley and St. Nectan's Glen should not be missed. The lovely Glen adds to the haunting stories in "Bossiney Books", of mysterious Cornwall. Bossiney Mound opposite a hotel, has its own legend, the Round Table of King Arthur fame is said to 'rise' here on mid summers eve, to shine like silver. A visit to Trevalga church and village, is more than often overlooked just because it's a "no through road". Just have a look for yourself, and then walk to the cliff path, one of the finest of our coast.

Boscastle       Tintagel       The Coastal Footpath       St. Nectan's Glen


Cafes in Bossiney